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Latvian language pack for OpenCart 1.5.x ru

Latvian language pack for OpenCart 1.5.x


OpenCart Latvian language pack - full translation (catalog + admin).

If you are looking for our Latvian language pack extension for OpenCart 2.x - click here.

If you are looking for our Latvian language pack extension for OpenCart 3.x and 4.x - click here.

Nov 14, 2013 added support for OpenCart version 1.5.6.x.


  • Subscription payments (works with PP express);
  • OpenBay Pro - list products easily on sites like Amazon (EU & US), eBay and;
  • Deeper integration with PayPal plus Amazon Payments;
  • Supported OpenCart versions: 1.5.0 - 1.5.6.x;
  • Current Latvian language pack version: 2.15.1.



Submit your request at contact form.


  1. As always, first make file and database backup
  2. Choose your OpenCart version-specific folder (Latvian_oc1.5.6.x, Latvian_oc1.5.5.x, Latvian_oc1.5.4.x, Latvian_oc1.5.3.x, Latvian_oc1.5.2.x or Latvian _oc1.5.1.x)
  3. Upload the contents of that folder to your OpenCart installation directory
  4. Log in to your site's administration panel, go to System -> Localisation -> Languages
  5. Add a new language by pressing Insert. Fill in the fields with the following values:

    • Language Name: Latviešu
    • Code: lv
    • Locale: lv_lv.UTF-8,lv,latvian
    • Image: lv.png
    • Directory: latvian
    • Filename: latvian
    • Status: Enabled
    • Sort Order: 1 or any other number
  6. Click on Save

  7. If you wish to use Latvian language in admin panel or wish to set the Latvian language as store default, then
    7.1. go to System --> Settings and Edit your default store.
    7.2. go to tab Local and edit entries Language and Administration language and change to Latviešu.

OpenCart versions supported 1.5.0 - 1.5.4.x
Technical support length 12 months

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Latvian language pack for OpenCart 1.5.x ru
  • Код товара: latvian-language-opencart-1.5x
Без НДС: $17.43

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